Health is Wealth: Successful tips

Health is wealth

We hear that all the time. It may have sound like a cliche but it does bare truth. How can one move productively if he’s not in a good condition? How can one be successful if he’s always bed ridden or suffering from illness?

Taking good care of your health is counterproductive with building wealth.

Often, health is being taken for granted not until one experience regret. Why wait? Here are few tips which you can incorporate everyday to ensure you won’t leave yourself behind from all these work load.


sleep like a babyBid adieu to feeling sluggish, foggy and heavy when you wake up in the morning by setting up a sleeping routine and logging seven to nine hours of quality sleep.

If you ever feel like having a hard time, you may try meditative apps you can listen to, turn off the lights, have your electronics away from you or go ahead read few pages from the book you picked up from the store.


veggie bike

Have  more greens, less of the junk and MSG. I’m pretty much sure that you do know you have to have more of these green little things yet often most choose pizza over salad.

Replace salad for lunch or dinner, start the day with a green juice smoothie or perhaps munch more carrots and celery than how much you consume french fries.

Eating these good stuff not will only help you cleanse your colon and fill you up with the right nutrients, it also keep you from feeling sluggish throughout the day and prevent you from having migraines.


exercise movement

Building a sleeping routine and working out goes hand in hand together with eating clean hence, as soon as you wake up in the morning – get that ass moving! EXERCISE!

Exercising doesn’t mean you’d have to head to the gym or spend on so much expensive memberships. You can just hit the floor and do some crunches, go for jumping jacks, jump rope or log on to youtube for some instructional exercise videos you may imitate.

Most importantly, stick to it.

BREAK THE FAST: Breakfast!

oatmeal with raisins

  • A good breakfast should have between 500-750 calories, where about half of them should come from carbohydrates, 25 percent from protein and the other 25 percent from fats. The foods that are best for carbohydrates are fruits, whole grain cereals such as oatmeal and whole wheat bread. Great sources of breakfast proteins, which also include fats, are eggs, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, milk, cheese, yogurt and meat.

Break the fast from having breakfast and give that metabolism of yours fired up! Yes, it’s true! Learn to love breakfast and you’ll thank yourself for being able to do so as you’ll crave less throughout the day and manage what you’ll have for lunch and dinner.

Drink Water

glasses of water

Did you know that drinking more water actually gets rid of your sugar cravings? Yes, that’s true.

Drinking a glass or two of water will help quench your thirst and help hydration; it’s crucial that you also drink up a glass or two upon waking up.  Throughout the day, if it’s available, squeeze some lemon or lime if you feel that you need a little flavor, it also helps your metabolism, too!

How many glasses of water does a person need in a day? have 8 glasses of water if you’re sedentary and gulp up as much as 3-5 liters if you’re often active.

Stay Positive!

positive Remember: Attitude is EVERYTHING.

People underestimate the power of optimism and how trying to always look at the brighter side of things can change everything. Associate yourself with those who believe in you, and mean well. This perpective would help you breathe through situations with less anxiety and stress. Isn’t that amazing?

Stay away from gossips!

If you encounter any disappointing situation, always weigh through the pros and cons and lean on towards how you can change or turn it around.  Don’t dwell on frustration but rather act on improvement.

Learning to stay positive, getting into a routine and keeping yourself accountable and cautious of your health not only can save you from tons of medical bills but also the hassle of encountering all other things that may hinder you from productivity.

I hope somehow, eventually, you’ll be able to mean the difference between your success and your failure in life. All these may sound easy but getting into a routine may take a while for one to live it.

Your health is your most valuable asset. Take care of it, invest on it and love it.

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